Thursday, December 11, 2014

Collaborative play

At the beginning of your time at Apple Blossom you'll probably hear a few wise words from the teachers about play. One tidbit I really found interesting -- partially because it encouraged me to break a common habit -- had to do with friendship on the playground.

"Try not to ask your child 'Who did you play with today?' Because chances are they took a turn playing with everyone. They'll run in and out, in and out, of different groups. So they won't know quite what to answer and it's not quite the right question to ask."

The photograph above, a perfect portrait of collaborative play, really brings these words to life.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Chopping apples

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At Apple Blossom, the children and their teachers follow a rhythm -- a comforting daily and weekly routine made up of outdoor and indoor time, focused activities and free play. 

Every Monday morning the children bring a vegetable from home and sit around the outside table to chop them for Tuesday's soup. And every Thursday morning you'll find them cozied up again, peeling and chopping apples for Friday's apple crisp. 

It's such fun to see the same activities performed within the changing of the seasons. In September, tiny heads poked out from sun hats and arms were slathered with sunscreen as they chopped and chatted. And now fresh snow surrounds the happy workers as they sit bundled in woolly layers, smiling with rosy cheeks.